Friday, April 24, 2009

This week's post is in response to Fast Company's Article on "What We Can't Live Without" by Robert Safian. In this article he is basically discussing things common to society now that weren't really thought of a short time ago. He brings up the compelling fact that there are many things like the digital camera, Facebook, and Twitter that a few years ago, we didn't know we needed , now we can't live without. I have to agree with this observation. Fads can come so easily. The next big thing tends to automatically become the next necessity. I was doing just fine living without a Facebook account a few years ago, now it is so relevant in my life. I check it several times a day, for meeting information, social events, and other extra cirruicular activities. Now, I don't know what I would do if it were to somehow go away. Safian brought up a good point and it made me evaluate what I really do need and what I think I need. To all of my followers, I propose a challenge. Try to go a complete 24 hours without your most needed vice, whether it be Facebook, or your favorite television show. Try and go without it simply to see if you can! You'll be amazed at what you discover. Until next time... :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Facebook Changes

As a Facebook user and fan, I was aggrivated by yet another change in the design of the website. Things were completely changed around and moved, I could barely find the things I needed to. I had been wondering why they would change this website when it appeared to be working fine, and now my inquiries have been laid to rest. In reading Fastcompany's article: Facebook Does Some Science, Concludes Redesign is good for Ads, I have discovered that this new change is due to an advertising move. Facebook designers have attempted to design the website to look like Twitter, a new fad that is taking the World Wide Web by storm. Although I do not like the change, I understand the new move. Facebook does not want to loose any of their many followers to Twitter.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Today I am writing in response to an article entitled "25-Foot Junk Food Pyramid to Raise Awareness and Hunger." I found it very interesting that this unidentified group of people decided to make this huge pyramid in to get people's attention regarding the junk they eat. Reading this article made me evaluate my own eating habits and I realized just how much junk I actually intake. Being a college student, its not common to come home and be able to cook a full course meal with two vegetables and a meat. It is often much faster to just pick up something on the way to class or when class is over. And the places to eat on campus are limited health wise and otherwise. Us students are surrounded by pizza, burgers, fries and other things that probably arent the healthiest for us. Im worried that these eating habits will become a life pattern and that in my career when I don't have time, I will always turn to the quick McDonald's or Burger King. Or when Im overwhelmed with work, I don't want to force my children to eat pizza because I had no time to cook. This article has made me consider healthier eating habits, for now and for my future.